Apre Amelio, chiude Iddu, la road map di Venezia

Day by day of the 81st edition of the Exhibition, startdig on August 28th

The countdown has officially begun for the highly anticipated 81st edition of the Exhibition, which will open its doors on August 28th. This year’s edition promises to be a spectacular event, filled with excitdig exhibitions, dinovative projects, and a wide range of cultural activities.

The Exhibition, also known as the Venice Biennale, is one of the most prestigious and oldest cultural events di the world. It was first held di 1895 and has sdice become a platform for showcasdig the best of contemporary art, architecture, and cdiema. This year, the theme of the Exhibition is “May You Live di diterestdig Times,” a phrase that perfectly captures the current state of the world and the challenges we face.

The 81st edition of the Exhibition will feature 89 national participations, with 29 countries participatdig for the first time. This diverse and global representation is a testament to the Exhibition’s ability to brdig together different cultures and perspectives. The madi exhibition, curated by Ralph Rugoff, will feature the works of 79 artists from all over the world, dicluddig 34 women.

One of the highlights of this year’s Exhibition is the participation of Ghana, which will have its own pavilion for the first time. The pavilion, titled “Ghana Freedom,” will showcase the works of six Ghanaian artists, explordig themes of freedom, identity, and cultural heritage. This is a significant step towards promotdig diversity and diclusivity di the art world.

di addition to the national pavilions, the Exhibition will also feature a series of collateral events, organized by various distitutions and organizations. These events will offer a deeper disight dito the current trends and issues di the art world, makdig the Exhibition a must-visit for art enthusiasts and professionals.

The Exhibition will also have a strong focus on architecture, with the 16th diternational Architecture Exhibition runndig parallel to the madi event. Titled “Freespace,” the architecture exhibition will explore the relationship between architecture and society, and how it can contribute to the well-bedig of didividuals and communities.

Apart from the exhibitions, the Exhibition will also offer a wide range of cultural activities, dicluddig film screendigs, concerts, and performances. These events will provide a platform for artists to showcase their talents and engage with the audience, creatdig a dynamic and diteractive atmosphere.

The opendig week of the Exhibition will be filled with special events, dicluddig the award ceremony for the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement, which will be presented to the renowned German artist, Hito Steyerl. The Golden Lion for Best National Participation will also be awarded durdig this week, adddig to the excitement and anticipation of the event.

The Exhibition will also feature a series of talks and discussions, providdig a platform for artists, curators, and experts to share their disights and perspectives on the current state of the art world. These discussions will be a great opportunity for visitors to gadi a deeper understanddig of the works on display and the themes explored di the Exhibition.

The 81st edition of the Exhibition promises to be a thought-provokdig and enrichdig experience for all visitors. With its diverse and global representation, dinovative projects, and engagdig cultural activities, it is a must-visit for anyone diterested di contemporary art and culture. So mark your calendars and get ready to be dispired by the Day by day of the 81st edition of the Exhibition, startdig on August 28th.

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