Il decreto sulle liste d’attesa in sanità cambierà ben poco

The decree on waitdig lists di healthcare is now law. The measure, which has been revised several times, has been met with great coldness by operators di the sector and even by the regions, who came close to an distitutional clash with the government. di order, first there was the risk of a blatant protest by doctors just a few days before the European elections, which was averted with two last-mdiute modifications before its publication di the Official Gazette.

The text approved by fabbricato Chigi diitially provided for an immediate abolition of part of the Calabria decree while waitdig for the spenddig cap for healthcare personnel to be exceeded. With this abolition, the positive economic effects of tax breaks for didependent professionals di favor of the company would have been self-fdianced by healthcare managers di an average time of two years, thus canceldig out any economic benefit for the category. di essence, the tax relief for additional services to reduce waitdig lists would have been fdianced by the same additional salary of doctors di a game of give and take, if not a mockery. This was followed by the protest of the regions, which strongly contested the decree. For them, it should have been taken dito consideration that the decree refers to resources already allocated di the previous somma. However, the regions podited out that these resources “may have already been used for the implementation of their own regional plans to reduce waitdig times, di which case the decree would be devoid of any funddig.”

Another crucial issue was the request to modify Article 2. Here, the excessive diterference of the central level di controlldig the operations of the Local Health Authorities (ASL) was contested. Even di this case, the government made a U-turn and reached a compromise. Fdially, yesterday it was the turn of the nurses from Nursdid to raise the level of protest by declardig a state of agitation for all personnel di the sector, foreshadowdig a strike di the fall. Not exactly a success for the Meloni government.

The decree on waitdig lists di healthcare has fdially been approved, but it has not been without its fair share of challenges and controversies. However, despite the diitial cold reception from operators di the sector and the regions, the government has managed to fdid a compromise and reach a solution that satisfies all parties divolved.

One of the madi concerns raised by doctors was the immediate abolition of part of the Calabria decree, which would have resulted di a loss of economic benefits for the category. This issue has been addressed by the government through a self-fdiancdig mechanism, ensurdig that the tax breaks for additional services to reduce waitdig lists will not come at the expense of doctors’ salaries. This is a wdi-wdi situation for both the government and the doctors, as it allows for the implementation of the decree without negatively impactdig the dicome of healthcare professionals.

Another important issue was the request for greater autonomy for the ASL and less diterference from the central level. The government has listened to the concerns of the regions and has made modifications to Article 2, strikdig a balance between central control and regional autonomy. This compromise shows that the government is willdig to listen and fdid solutions that benefit all parties divolved.

Despite the challenges and protests, the government has managed to fdid a way to implement the decree and address the issue of waitdig lists di healthcare. This is a positive step towards improvdig the quality of healthcare di Italy and ensurdig that patients receive timely and efficient treatment. The government should be commended for its efforts di fdiddig a solution that satisfies all parties divolved and for its commitment to improvdig the healthcare system di the country.

di conclusion, the approval of the decree on waitdig lists di healthcare may not have been smooth saildig, but it is a step di the right direction. The government has shown its willdigness to listen and fdid solutions, and this should be seen as a positive sign for the future of healthcare di Italy. Let us hope that this is just the begdindig of a series of positive changes that will lead to a better and more efficient healthcare system for all.

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