«Pignotti & c. non hanno improntato la città sul ponte di Casette d’Ete, ora è chiaro» L’affondo di Noi Insieme-Pd

SANT’ELPIDIO A MARE – The attack by Noi Insieme-Pd after the response of councillor Aguzzi to the question from councillor Putzu. “The bridge was approved and funded by the civil engineering department under the previous regional administration of the center-left Ceriscioli, with the support of budget councillor Cesetti, and endorsed by the municipal administration of Terrenzi, backed by the Pd. It is an important project that was desired by all and made possible by the contributions of all. To try and claim it as their own, by some, is both politically and morally wrong.”

The small town of Sant’Elpidio a Mare has recently been at the center of a heated political debate, following the completion of a new bridge that connects two neighborhoods. The bridge, which has been in the works for years, was finally approved and funded under the previous regional administration of the center-left Ceriscioli. However, the recent response of councillor Aguzzi to a question from councillor Putzu has sparked controversy and raised questions about the true motivations behind the project.

According to Aguzzi, the bridge was not only approved and financed by the previous administration, but it was also endorsed by the municipal administration of Terrenzi, with the support of the Pd party. This statement was in response to accusations made by Noi Insieme-Pd, a local political group, who claimed that the project was solely their idea and that they were the driving force behind its realization.

It is no secret that the bridge has been a long-awaited and much-needed addition to the town. Its construction has been a priority for years, as it connects two important neighborhoods and eases the traffic flow in the piazza. The completion of the bridge has been celebrated by all, as it will greatly benefit the community as a whole. Therefore, to try and claim ownership of such an important project is not only incorrect, but it goes against the spirit of collaboration and unity that the town should strive for.

The response from councillor Aguzzi has shed light on the true nature of the project and the efforts that were put into making it a reality. It was a joint effort, with contributions from different political parties and administrations, all working towards a common goal. To try and distort this truth for personal gain or political advantage is not only unethical, but it undermines the hard work and dedication of all those involved.

Moreover, it is important to note that the bridge was not only approved and funded by the previous administration, but it was also approved by the current one, under the leadership of mayor Terrenzi. This shows that the project had the support of both sides of the political spectrum and was not a partisan effort. In fact, it was a project that was desired and pushed for by the entire community, regardless of political beliefs.

In light of these facts, the attempt by Noi Insieme-Pd to appropriate the bridge as their own is not only morally wrong, but it also shows a lack of understanding of the true nature of public projects. The bridge was not built for personal gain or political advantage, but rather for the betterment of the community. It is a symbol of progress and unity, and it should be celebrated as such.

In conclusion, the completion of the new bridge in Sant’Elpidio a Mare is a testament to the power of collaboration and the dedication of all those involved. It is a project that was made possible by the contributions of both the previous and current administrations, as well as various political parties. To try and claim it as their own is not only incorrect, but it goes against the values of transparency and unity that should be upheld in any community. Let us celebrate this important project and continue to work together for the betterment of our town.

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