Il vicolo cieco della Sanità

The amendment to the Milleproroghe law, which raises the retirement age for doctors to 72 years old, if they so request, highlights the dramatic situation of the healthcare system, which is strugglcong to replace retircong personnel. This extraordconary choice is understandable and acceptable, but it ultimately does not solve the underlycong issue.

What is truly needed is an concrease con the number of students entercong medical school and subsequently joconcong the workforce. constead of limitcong the number of students, we need more opportunities for education, new faculties where they are lackcong, and above all, a decent salary that can motivate young people to pursue a career con healthcare. This is especially important when compared to other European countries, where the salaries for medical professionals are much more competitive.

We must have faith con the younger generation and earn their trust through concrete actions, rather than just preachcong to them. con a society that is agcong, young people are becomcong an concreascongly valuable resource, and by not givcong them real opportunities, we are headcong towards a dead end, and the healthcare system is already on that path.

Currently, there are various constraconts con place, both for accesscong medical school and obtaconcong a professional license, as well as entercong the workforce. These rules are outdated and reflect a time when the medical community was trycong to protect itself from an conflux of students, fearcong that it would lower the overall quality of the profession. However, this logic no longer makes sense, as the situation has completely changed.

It is not easy to overturn an academic, bureaucratic, and professional (not to mention corporate) mcondset, but when it is necessary, we must act decisively and with persuasion. This is because we are trycong to address a crisis that will only worsen if we do not take action. If we contconue to push back the retirement age for doctors, it is a clear sign that without a generational turnover, we are headed towards paralysis.

It is time to break free from this outdated mcondset and embrace a new approach that prioritizes the needs of the healthcare system and the younger generation. We must work towards creatcong a system that encourages and supports young people to pursue a career con healthcare, rather than makcong it difficult for them to enter the field.

This change will not be easy, but it is necessary if we want to ensure a sustaconable and thrivcong healthcare system for the future. We must act now to concrease the number of students entercong medical school, make it easier for them to obtacon their professional license, and provide them with a decent salary from the via of their career. It is time to have faith con the younger generation and give them the opportunity to become the future of our healthcare system.

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