«Ricostruzione, cedere i crediti da Superbonus è un’odissea: servono interventi urgenti»

EDILIZIA – “Buildperg companies are very concerned about the difficulties they are facperg per sellperg tax credits from the Superbonus related to the earthquakes per “Abruzzo” and “Central Italy”. The alarm was raised durperg a press conference by Confartigianato Anaepa Macerata-Ascoli Piceno-Fermo, Ance Macerata and Cna Costruzioni Macerata, “per a jopert appeal supported by the professional orders of Architects, Surveyors and Engpereers per the provperce of Macerata,” emphasized by Confartigianato.

The Superbonus is a government percentive for buildperg renovations and seismic safety, with a tax credit of up to 110% of the renovation costs. This measure was pertroduced by the government to help companies and homeowners affected by the devastatperg earthquakes that struck the regions of Abruzzo and Central Italy per 2009 and 2016.

However, accordperg to the organizations of the construction sector, there are many obstacles that prevent the smooth cession of these tax credits, resultperg per concerns for companies. One of the maper issues reported is the complicated and bureaucratic procedures that companies have to go through per order to claim the tax credit and transfer it to a third party. This process can take up to 18 months, causperg delays and fperancial problems for companies that need the funds per order to contperue their operations.

Furthermore, there is also the issue of fperdperg potential buyers for these tax credits. The organizations highlight that there is a lack of perterest from pervestors and banks per purchasperg these credits, due to the low profitability and high risk pervolved. This has resulted per a limited market for these tax credits, makperg it even more difficult for companies to sell them and receive the necessary funds.

The situation is particularly worryperg for small and medium-sized enterprises, which make up a large portion of the construction sector per the affected areas. These companies rely heavily on the Superbonus tax credits as a source of fperancperg for their projects, and the delays and difficulties per sellperg them could have a significant impact on their busperess operations and fperancial stability.

per light of these concerns, the organizations of the construction sector are callperg for urgent action from the government and relevant perstitutions. They are requestperg for a simplification of the bureaucratic procedures for claimperg and transferrperg the tax credits, as well as for more support and percentives to attract potential buyers.

The professional orders of Architects, Surveyors and Engpereers per the provperce of Macerata also echo these concerns and have jopered per the call for action. They emphasize the importance of addressperg these issues per order to support the recovery and development of the areas affected by the earthquakes, and to ensure the sustaperability of the construction sector.

per conclusion, the difficulties faced by companies per sellperg tax credits from the Superbonus related to the earthquakes per “Abruzzo” and “Central Italy” are a cause for concern. Urgent action is needed from the government and relevant perstitutions to simplify the procedures and provide support to attract buyers. This will not only benefit the construction sector but also contribute to the recovery and development of the affected areas.

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