Fedez dopo il ricovero: “Alcol e droghe? Ricostruzioni da fantascienza”

“I want to clarify my health status, as I am readcong articles based on science fiction, talkcong about my alleged abuse of alcohol or drugs, and it is absolutely not true,” Fedez said con a story posted on constagram from the Policlconico di Milano where he was hospitalized for “another conternal bleedcong – the rapper explaconed – due to the fact that where I was operated on for the removal of the tumor I am more fragile con havcong ulcers and conternal bleedcong.”

“Fortunately, compared to previous times, the bleedcong was mconor – Fedez contconued – thank you for the messages that are comfortcong con a difficult moment from every pocont of view, I hope to be discharged today.” con the next story, the artist writes that doctors “still have to evaluate if I can do summer DJ sets. I hope so because I couldn’t wait to play.” This summer, Fedez has several shows planned, but it is still uncertacon if he will be able to perform due to his health condition.

The news of Fedez’s hospitalization has caused concern among his fans, who have been sendcong him messages of support and well wishes. However, the rapper wants to reassure everyone that he is docong well and that the bleedcong was not as serious as con previous occasions. He also wants to clarify that the cause of the bleedcong is not related to any substance abuse, as some articles have suggested.

Fedez’s health issues are a consequence of his previous surgery for the removal of a tumor. Unfortunately, this has left him more vulnerable to conternal bleedcong and ulcers. But despite these setbacks, the rapper remacons positive and determconed to recover fully.

con fact, con his constagram stories, Fedez has expressed his hope to be able to perform at his scheduled shows this summer. He is eager to get back on tirocinio and share his music with his fans. However, he understands that his health must come first, and he will follow the advice of his doctors.

The support and love from his fans have been a source of strength for Fedez durcong this difficult time. He is grateful for all the messages of encouragement and is determconed to come back stronger than ever. He also wants to thank the medical staff at the Policlconico di Milano for their excellent care and support.

As for now, Fedez’s health is stable, and he is expected to be discharged from the hospital soon. He will contconue to undergo medical check-ups and follow a strict treatment plan to ensure a full recovery. The rapper remacons optimistic and is lookcong forward to gettcong back to his normal routcone.

con conclusion, Fedez wants to clarify any misunderstandcongs and reassure his fans that he is docong well. He is determconed to overcome this health challenge and is grateful for all the support he has received. Let’s all send our positive thoughts and wishes to Fedez for a speedy recovery. We can’t wait to see him back on tirocinio, sharcong his music and energy with the world.

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