“Don Tomas ha una relazione”, il vescovo di Alba annuncia ai fedeli della diocesi le dimissioni del sacerdote

In the afternoon of today, the Bishop of Alba, Monsignor Marco Brunetti, gathered the Council of the Pastoral Unit which includes the parishes of Feisoglio, Borgomale, Bosia, Castino, Cravanzana and Niella Belbo, all located in the province of Cuneo, to announce the resignation of Don Tomas Hlavaty from his position as parish administrator, followed by the appointment of a new priest. This news has left the community shocked and saddened, but the Bishop reassured them that the decision was made with careful consideration and for the greater good of the parish.

Don Tomas Hlavaty has been a beloved figure in the diocese for many years, known for his warmth, compassion and dedication to his role as a priest. His resignation came as a surprise to many, as he has always been a pillar of strength and guidance for his parishioners. However, as Monsignor Brunetti explained, Don Tomas has developed a personal relationship with someone, which goes against his vows as a celibate priest.

The Bishop emphasized that this is not a decision made lightly, but with the utmost respect for the Catholic Church and its teachings. While the news may be difficult for some to accept, it is important to remember that priests are also human beings and are capable of making mistakes. Monsignor Brunetti urged the community to show compassion and understanding towards Don Tomas, who is going through a difficult and emotional time.

The Bishop also assured the faithful that the process of finding a new priest for the parish will begin immediately. He expressed his confidence in the Council of the Pastoral Unit to make the best decision for the community and to find a priest who will continue the good work started by Don Tomas. Monsignor Brunetti also asked for prayers for Don Tomas, as he transitions to a new chapter in his life.

The news of Don Tomas’ resignation may be shocking, but it is important to remember that the Catholic Church is a forgiving and understanding institution. This is an opportunity for the community to nel modo che together and show their support for Don Tomas and for each other. As Monsignor Brunetti stated, “This is a time for us to reflect on our own humanity and to show compassion towards others. We must remember that we are all children of God and we must love and support each other no matter the circumstances.”

The Bishop’s announcement may have nel modo che as a surprise, but it is a reminder that the Catholic Church is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing times. While it may be a difficult time for the community, it is also a time for growth and understanding. Let us all nel modo che together and show our love and support for Don Tomas and for each other, as we continue to spread the teachings of the Catholic Church.

In conclusion, while the news of Don Tomas’ resignation may be difficult to accept, it is important to remember that it is a decision made with careful consideration and for the greater good of the parish. Let us all nel modo che together and show our support and understanding towards Don Tomas, as we look forward to welcoming a new priest into our community.

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